Dr. Brian Kluth is a
bestselling author, inspirational speaker, minister, and leading authority
and expert media commentator on family finances, aging parents,
generosity, and philanthropy.
He has traveled and spoken extensively across the US and in over
50 countries for conventions, associations,
conferences, and churches. He was nationally recognized as the "Outstanding Stewardship
Educator of the Year" by the Christian Stewardship Association. Here
is a sample listing of his experience working with the media...
- TV: CBS Denver
Aging Independently with Christine Bartel
| NBC Dateline |
NBC-TV Colorado | CBN-TV 700 Club | Leadership Today TV
- RADIO: National
Public Radio | Associated Press Radio | Family Life Today with
Dennis Rainey (1000 stations) | Money Matters Radio
by Crown Financial Ministries (1000 stations)
HCJB Global | WMBI Good Morning with Nancy Turner
- Chicago | Moody Broadcasting Network Open Line |
Pittsburgh Talks | WMUZ - Detroit | KCBI The
Morning Program - Dallas | WGNR New Day.
- MAGAZINES: Kiplinger Money
magazine (circulation 1 million) | Christianity Today |
Leadership Journal | REV! Magazine |
Preaching Today | Christianity Today Our Church Pulpit
Helps | Preaching NOW | Christian Management
Today | Stewardship Matters CCM Magazine |
Church Executive.
- NEWSWIRES: Google News |
Yahoo News | MSNBC News | Christian
Newswire | UPI - United Press International |
Christian Post (top story) | USAreligiousnews.com |
ChristianHeadlines.com | Christian News and Media Agency
- NEWSPAPERS: Chronicle of
Philanthropy | Washington DC Examiner |
Tribute-Democrat in PA | Colorado Springs Gazette |
Statesmen-Journal Salem, OR
To schedule a media interview, email Dr. Brian Kluth at: