#1 Always honor God by returning the FIRST PORTION of any resources you receive back to the Lord.
Prov 3:9,10, Haggai 1:4-11, Deut 14:23
#2 Develop with your spouse an annual REALISTIC working budget that you carefully monitor and follow. Prov 27:23, 22:3
#3 Adjust your lifestyle to live within the means God has currently provided for you.
Ecc 5:10, Luke 3:14, I Tim 6:8-12
#4 Commit to seeking the Lord's provision instead of using credit or debt to buy things that aren't in your annual working budget. Accelerate payments on any debt you are currently carrying.
James 4:13-16, Prov 22:7,27, Luke 12:15
#5 Make a written list of any new or major items you feel you need or want to purchase. Commit to praying about the item(s) for 30 days. Ask God to direct you to His provision or His direction concerning each purchase. I Pet 5:7, Philippians 4:19, Prov 13:22, Ecc 2:26, Job 27:16,17
#6 Discuss and consider 3 creative alternatives (options) to meet any needs you face.
Prov 24:4,5
#7 Only make expenditures that both you and your spouse agree upon.
Ps 133:1, I Peter 3:7, Phil 2:2
#8 Actively "de-accumulate" (sell, give away, or throw out) unneeded, unused or unprofitable
Matthew 6:20
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian Kluth is a national and international speaker and writer
on Biblical generosity and financial matters.
He is also a church pastor and the founder of MAXIMUM Generosity, a public ministry dedicated to advancing Biblical generosity through inspirational preaching, leadership training seminars, writing, resources and the media. Brian’s written materials have been distributed to more than 350,000 Christian leaders in more than 100 countries .For additional materials or to contact Brian, email:
bk@kluth.org or visit:
© www.kluth.org.
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