Nonprofit and Church Clients
Leaders or staff in the following organizations or
ministries have received copies and are currently reviewing the
LEGACY ORGANIZER for possible use in their work with donors or
- Reach Beyond/HCJB
- Navigators Planned Giving Department
- Cherry Hills Community Church - Highlands
Ranch, CO
- Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
- First Evangelical Free Church of Colorado Springs
- Evangelical Christian Credit Union
- World Vision
- PhilanthroCorp
- Fulcrum Philanthropy Systems
- Samaritan's Purse
- Wycliffe Bible Translators
- Biola University
- Christian Community Credit Union
- The Executive Pastors and Senior Pastors at America's 4000 largest
megachurches were sent copies for their use.
- LCMS - Lutheran Church Missouri
Synod Stewardship Dept
- WELS - Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran
- Navigators Missionary Support-Raising Department
- Evangelical Free Church Planned Giving Department
- Fort Wilderness Ministries
- Camp Forest Springs Ministries
- Leadership Transformations
- Crown Financial Ministries - Colorado
- Maple Grove Evangelical Free Church - MN
Dr. Brian Kluth, 34 Lookout
Mountain Cir. Golden, CO 80401 Ordering: 866-935-5884